Title 1
Title I is a federal program that provides money to schools and districts to help us make sure all children have equal access to high-quality education, and to meet our state’s educational standards. Title I status is based on the number of students in our school from low-income families. Our school is a schoolwide Title I program, which means all our students are able to benefit from the services we provide with our Title I funding. We are required to use Title I funding to improve the educational achievement of all students and engage our families in that process. School staff members work, with input from parents and the community, to develop a School Improvement Plan. The purpose of this plan is to improve our school’s entire educational program.
Family Engagement Plan
Parents/caregivers play an important role in the academic success of our students. We want to partner with you to help all our students in achieve their academic goals.
There are several ways to be involved:
- Attend parent teacher conferences.
- Tuesday, October 17 and Wednesday, October 18
- Tuesday, February 20
- Mid-quarter progress reports will be available on Parent Portal
- Report cards are mailed home at the end of each quarter.
- Quarter 1: Ends November 2
- Quarter 2: Ends January 25
- Quarter 3: Ends March 28
- Quarter 4: Ends June 14
- Attend parent/caregiver meetings. Language support and childcare provided. Topics may include:
- Graduation requirements, course choice, advanced academics, preparing for post-secondary and college options.
- State of the School
- Join the Patriot Booster Club.
- The Booster Club coordinates fundraisers to support Camden sports, clubs, and activities.
- Collaborate with school to increase student participation.
- Meetings are the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Please enter through Door 9.
- Become a volunteer.
- All potential volunteers must complete an online application, a criminal background check and review the online orientation and agree to MPS volunteer expectations.
- To learn about volunteer opportunities, contact Marcus Zackery at Marcus.Zackery@mpls.k12.mn.us
- Attend Camden site council meetings.
- Site council supports the mission of Camden High School and ensures the inclusive representation in decision making in, but not limited to:
- Staff development, instructional leadership, budget, and staffing
- Site council meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in room 103.
- Site council supports the mission of Camden High School and ensures the inclusive representation in decision making in, but not limited to:
- Participate in various parent involvement opportunities, such as:
- Back to School BBQ & Open houses
- Cultural school events/performances
- Athletic games
- Band and choir concerts
- Theater productions
- Visual Arts Exhibits
- Here are some ways to stay informed:
- Keep the school informed of your updated contact information for Camden reaches out to parents via mail, email, and phone calls.
- Contact information includes address, phone number(s), email, and emergency contacts.
- Attend the State of the School and Title 1 meetings.
- Sign up for Parent Portal. This is a great online tool for you to have access to your student’s grades, homework assignments, attendance, transcripts, etc.
- Visit our school website.
- Like us on Facebook.
- Like us on Instagram.
- Helpful information for parents:
- Breakfast and lunch are FREE for all students. Families must still complete the MPS Application for Educational Benefits. To request a paper application, contact the main office at 612-668-2000
- To report a student absence, contact the attendance office at 612-668-1927
- Career and College Center helps with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)/DREAM ACT. Visit the school website or contact India Burton at 612-668-2008 or Kong Xiong at 612-669-1992 for more information.
- Camden welcomes parents/guardians to visit the school to check on their student’s academic progress. We strongly encourage parents/guardians to prearrange all visits and meetings to ensure staff availability. Classroom visits must be scheduled through student’s assistant principal and require additional clearances.